In the legal field, finding evidence is the name of the game. Between the paper documents, photos, and any electronic materials that offer valuable insights into the case, a team of lawyers could fill a warehouse when preparing a major case. To minimize the large volume of paper that goes along with preparing for trial or settlement, attorneys have long sought a software solution that made them less reliant on paper. In 2012, Kiwi Camara, an attorney at Camara & Sibley LLP in Houston, Texas, developed Disco, an eDiscovery software that promises attorneys what Camara calls a “good, fast, cheap” solution to paper overload.
The Disco Difference
As Camara said, Disco “takes millions upon millions of emails and documents and makes it really easy to search for and categorize them. This turns a giant mass of data into evidence that wins cases.” With Disco, documents are stored in the cloud for up to three years, which alleviates the need to print the majority of files that the lawyer examines.
Using the same syntax as Westlaw, which many lawyers use for research, Disco is easier to use than competitive products and is faster and cheaper as well. Although when purchased from Disco, the software has a flat fee of $50,000 per case, similar software can run between $350,000 and $750,000. However, the software is also made available through select partners who offer other services of interest to lawyers who want to streamline case preparation.
The Document Group Partners With Disco
For many years, The Document Group of Texas has offered a variety of litigation support services to the legal community, such as litigation copying, legal document scanning, on-site printing, trial graphics and services, records retrieval, and database hosting. Partnering with Disco was a logical step for the Document Group, as this e-discovery software offered lawyers an excellent way to search for, organize and display legal documents for cases online.
We will work with you to develop a plan to help you get the type of data that you need to win your case. Using efficient Disco software, we will examine not just documents, but also databases, emails, website visitation data, voicemails, password-protected materials and other potential sources of information such as metadata, data fragments, web browsing patterns, data usage histories, and other clues that can help you.
Once we collect the data, we will use the software to analyze and organize it for you. Based on the budget you have, we can provide a comprehensive package of investigative, printing, copying, and scanning services within the financial limits you have set. Our knowledgeable staff will use the software and package the findings in a useful format for your case.
Comprehensive Litigation Support Services
Because you will need the full package of services that we offer, you can trim unnecessary costs from your discovery process. Working with multiple vendors or having your own staff to take care of the basics such as scanning and copying can be more costly than outsourcing these steps on some cases. We price for eDiscovery based on the amount of data you will use to help keep your discovery cost reasonable.
If you’re ready to apply innovative technology to the discovery process, contact The Document Group today. We’ll tell you how Disco and our other services from The Document Group can work for you and even provide a free quote. For more information, just contact us today or give us a call at 888-316-4670.