How To Determine Whether To Outsource eDiscovery Or Keep It In-House
When conducting eDiscovery for a case, you can easily become inundated with material. More and more companies are transitioning to a paperless business model across the board. The process of sifting through electronic evidence, such as corporate emails, databases, digital files, web history, and other digital assets to find relevant information can be arduous. Who wants to do that? However, you may not have a choice overall.
Weighing your options – and your resources – will definitely help you decide between keeping the job in-house or outsourcing to a litigation support company, like The Document Group. We are always happy to assist our clients with the decision if asked. We understand that this may impact your bottom line for a long time. We will always look for the most value for your dollar. That is why we offer CS Disco as our main platform for cloud document review.
New Technology Makes In-House eDiscovery More Feasible Than Ever
As companies convert to a paperless workplace, it becomes increasingly necessary for them to retrieve their digital information easily. In many cases, the right software solution makes in-house eDiscovery efforts possible, as companies are able to process data, searching for relevant information and categorizing it for review.
There are a number of answers that a company must attain to help them decide if processing their eDiscovery in-house is their best solution:
- – They must first determine the data sources for a case, as well as where they are housed.
- – It’s important to match the best tool to company assets, and ensure that the technology will both integrate with the host system and meet its security requirements.
- – It is also vital to have a process owner, who understands the process and can explain it to stakeholders.
- – Lastly, determining the priority of the data sources to be mined allows you to focus your efforts.
Save Time And Money
Once the technology, process, and ownership are in place, you are able to work through the eDiscovery phase as quickly possible. Since you are not relying on third party resources, you can begin the process without delay.
In addition to expediting the process, your firm does not have to pay to house eDiscovery data. Maintaining your data on external servers can become expensive, and many companies have found that bringing eDiscovery in-house can save them some money – particularly in large, drawn out lawsuits.
Despite Technological Advances, Some Projects Are Best Outsourced
Often, eDiscovery requirements surpass the ability of an in-house IT group to process. When the in-house solution isn’t up to the task, it is time to bring in an outside agency to perform the work. The Document Group is an expert in eDiscovery. Utilizing a specialized software solution called Disco, we can offer you a speedy, cost effective solution to complex data discovery with customized reporting that is most relevant to your litigation case.
If you have determined that using in-house eDiscovery is not the best solution for your company, and that you want an experienced team investigating your data, contact The Document Group. We will review your specific needs and show you how we can help. If you would like more information, contact us or call our offices at 888-316-4670 to talk to a member of our team.